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Showing posts from February, 2011

The difference between a drinker and an alcoholic

Escape from this life - photo by Jhon CeceƱa Alcoholism is essentially a habit. It is a very strong habit because it is the operation of a chemical (ethanol alcohol) on the brain. It is extremely direct. It is a habit nonetheless. This is a controversial point. Alcoholism is described as a disease. I don't believe this. This is a politically correct term to help alcoholics. People who drink, say everyday, without being alcoholic (and I mean this objectively) are able to recognize the stage at which they are during drinking. They understand and keep in mind the downside, the headache and dehydration etc. In other words the brain although enjoying the moment is aware of the situation. The alcoholic will ignore the downside. They take every drink of vodka (usually) as if it is the first. The first drink that gives them that rush of pleasure. They seek that. They want to recreate that. The pleasure is "getting out" for a while. They seek that rush. That opt-out from