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Showing posts from June, 2010

The Alcoholic's Silver Lining

Briefly (as I am about to go to the gym with Jane) here is an example of how a bad alcoholic experience can generate some good. Some time ago Jane found herself in hospital after a binge and had an unnecessary appendix operation (she had stomach pains) that went wrong causing real health problems with breathing and cognitive abilities. This has kick started a training regime to regain her health. How good is that? As I go to a gym attached to a really good hospital every Friday, she is joining me this morning. OK, once a week is not much but it is better than nothing and if done consistently over a long period real benefits can be accrued. For Jane it is very important. Not just going to a gym but the whole process of being positive and improving health. It is great for her self-esteem. Low self-esteem is a factor in alcoholism. Hard exercise has a fantastic effect on the state of the mind as well as the body. You feel better, more up for the challenges of the day. This is

Turning Around Alcoholism

Is it possible to turn around alcoholism? You may have heard of the The Priory Hospital Roehampton. It is about 20 minutes walk from where I live. Jane has been there a few times. She was there for a month or so many years ago. The whole thing was paid for out of health insurance. Personally I don't have a lot of faith is places like the Priory Hospitals. They make a lot out of health insurance, pushing the premiums up. People who have attended the Priory (and a good number of famous people have attended the Roehampton branch) say that the success rate is very low. I forget the figure but lets say if 100 alcoholics attended The Priory Hospital Roehampton on a full blown course intended to stop the addiction, about 5 might stop - 5%. It is something like that or even less. For the hospital, which is private by the way and therefore heavily commercial in culture, it is more about milking the insurance companies than curing addicts. On that basis, the chances of turning around

The Habit of Binge Drinking

This is a quick update. For the time being things are going OK. I almost walked out though. Jane had a binge about three weeks ago and I decided to leave as I said I would. I inspected properties to move into (rental) and paid a deposit. Then I backed out! When tested I just find it impossible to live alone anymore. I have lived alone a lot and I find I get depressed. Simple as that. On balance it is better with Jane and she seems to be getting better, which, if I am honest, I did not expect. It is a joint effort really. She does drink a bit still but at the moment the binges are much less often and things are more manageable. I have constantly pushed her to stop. But what I think is the defining influence at the moment in her possible improvement is not me (although I think I play a part) but the fact that her health seems to be affected. Her memory is less good. If this is due to alcoholism and I am not sure it is, it is worrying for us both. On the upside it is a great motiv