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Showing posts from December, 2015

Should a Binge Alcoholic Take on New Responsibilities?

I don't think a binge alcoholic and perhaps even a binge alcoholic who is just starting on the road to recovery, should take on new responsibilities because they are quite likely to fail and upset people. They are more likely to hurt more people. Binge alcoholics are unsuited to taking on responsibilities. They are too unreliable. That is my experience in any case. Some constant alcoholics can manage and live relatively normal lives but they are very different to binge alcoholics. Jane is a binge alcoholic and she has informally adopted a cat. The cat is a stray cat who has made her home with Jane. This is partly because Jane has been unemployed for a while and therefore is at home a lot of the time and the cat probably comes from a home where she is not particularly wanted or looked after properly. But, when Jane wants to have a drink, everything flies out of the window. Nothing is in her brain except the desire to have a drink. Not even the health consequences of that drink wi

Things Have Been Good for a While Now

Things have been good for a while now. We live apart but we see each other quite a lot. In fact, we go out a lot together and enjoy each other's company tremendously. We love each other. There is no question about that. We will always be drawn to each other and it has nothing to do with alcoholism or alcohol. It is just that at our core we are very similar and we love that part of each other. Rather strangely, I treat her like a daughter; a daughter that I never had. This is because she behaves like a girl rather than a woman. She knows that. I have told her. She does not mind. But it is that childlike quality which is so charming. There is an innocence there - innocence is always charming and attractive. She has a pureness of mind which has been damaged by life's experiences. I feel like a nurse and probably am sometimes. I help a lot, I feel. She does not know how much she hurts me when she drinks. She has not drunk for quite a while or if she has drunk they have been ver