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Alcoholism Is a Habit Not a Disease

Alcoholism is a habit not a disease. Obviously it is a very deep-seated habit. It is probably a habit which developed over a long period of time. As a consequence it will take a long period of time to unlearn the habit. What would be a crystallising moment which helps to break the habit is the knowledge that one is going to die through alcoholism provided the alcoholic does not wish to die.

That's the key. It is down to the mentality of the alcoholic. If the alcoholic is using alcoholism as a way to kill themselves then the fear of dying through alcoholism will not break the habit.

It is possible to chip away at a habit, to break it down. If an alcoholic drinks less and less gradually over a period of many months then there will come a time when he/she will find alcohol objectionable.

A lot of what we do are habits. If we have sugar in our tea that becomes a habit. If we then stop having sugar in our tea it tastes unpleasant for a while until it tastes fine at which point putting sugar in our tea makes it taste unpleasant.

I have no idea why some experts decided to call alcoholism a disease. I think that it is very misleading. A disease is an abnormal condition which we consider to normally be caused by an infection of some sort or malfunction of an organ of the body, that sort of thing. Wanting to drink alcohol to excess is caused by an addiction which as far as I'm concerned is another word for a very strong and difficult to remove habit but I don't consider it to be a disease in the conventional sense.

Discuss the concept that alcoholism is a disease

Certainly! Let’s delve into the concept of alcoholism as a disease.
  1. Recognition as a Disease:

    • While alcoholism may not appear like a typical disease, it has been acknowledged by medical professionals as a primary, chronic, progressive, and sometimes fatal condition.
    • The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence defines alcoholism as a mental obsession leading to a physical compulsion to drink.
    • Imagine waking up with a song playing incessantly in your head, a tune you didn’t choose but couldn’t escape. Alcoholism operates similarly—the alcoholic experiences an irresistible urge for a drink, driven by a mental obsession they may not even consciously recognize.
  2. Mental Obsession and Physical Compulsion:

    • Mental obsession: Like the persistent song, an alcoholic’s mind fixates on alcohol. The urge to drink becomes overpowering, and they feel powerless to resist.
    • Physical compulsion: The alcoholic’s body craves alcohol, leading to withdrawal symptoms if they abstain. This compulsion is subtle but potent.
  3. Neurobiology of Alcoholism:

    • The U.S. Surgeon General’s Report highlights changes in the brain due to repeated alcohol use. These changes occur in brain circuits related to pleasure, learning, stress, decision-making, and self-control.
    • When alcohol is consumed, it triggers a surge of dopamine in the basal ganglia—a brain region associated with reward systems and learning.
    • Over time, nerve cells in the basal ganglia become less sensitive to dopamine, reducing alcohol’s ability to produce the same pleasurable effect. This altered reward system perpetuates alcohol dependence.
  4. Defining Alcoholism:

    • Alcoholism is characterized by compulsive decision-making, impulsive behavior, and relapse.
    • Genetic and environmental factors play a role, leading to biological changes in the brain that make abstaining from alcohol nearly impossible without medical treatment.

In summary, alcoholism is indeed a disease of the brain, impacting both mental processes and physical well-being. Recognizing it as such allows for better understanding, empathy, and effective interventions. 🍷🧠

Does alcoholism have the characteristics of a normal disease?

Alcoholism, although unique in its manifestation, shares several characteristics with other diseases. Let’s explore these similarities:

  1. Chronic Nature:

    • Like many diseases, alcoholism is chronic, meaning it persists over time.
    • It doesn’t spontaneously resolve; instead, it requires ongoing management and treatment.
  2. Progressive Course:

    • Alcoholism tends to worsen over time.
    • Initially, individuals may drink socially, but as the disease progresses, they lose control over their alcohol consumption.
  3. Biological Basis:

    • Alcoholism has a neurobiological foundation.
    • Changes occur in brain circuits related to reward, learning, and decision-making.
    • These alterations contribute to the compulsive behavior associated with alcohol dependence.
  4. Physical and Psychological Impact:

    • Alcoholism affects both the body and the mind.
    • Physically, it damages organs (e.g., liver, pancreas) and contributes to health issues.
    • Psychologically, it leads to cravings, obsession, and impaired judgment.
  5. Risk Factors and Genetics:

    • Like other diseases, alcoholism has risk factors.
    • Genetic predisposition plays a role, making some individuals more susceptible.
  6. Treatment and Relapse:

    • Alcoholism requires treatment, just like any other disease.
    • Recovery involves behavioral therapies, counseling, and sometimes medications.
    • However, relapse remains a challenge, similar to disease recurrence.
  7. Stigma and Misunderstanding:

    • Unfortunately, alcoholism faces stigma.
    • People often perceive it as a moral failing rather than a medical condition.
    • This misunderstanding hinders effective treatment and support.

In summary, while alcoholism may not fit the traditional mold of a “normal” disease, its characteristics align with those seen in other chronic conditions. Recognizing it as such promotes empathy, understanding, and better approaches to prevention and treatment. 🍷🧠


  1. Interesting....Whenever a problem with alcoholism (i.e. seizure) needs hospitalization, the hospital doctors refer to it as a disease.
    Even Dr. Drew says it is a disease. Please comment.

    1. I think that the experts decided to call alcoholism disease in order to make it easier to try and cure people of it. They wanted to make it more important. They wanted to make it a problem which existed outside of the mentality of the alcoholic. In this way it avoids criticising the alcoholic for being weak willed or falling into a very bad habit. The word "habit" seems quite mild and inappropriate in this instance but if the habit becomes extremely strong and totally ingrained to a point where the person can along a control it then you can more easily see the connection between a habit and alcoholism you scratch that.

      Also, alcoholism gradually develops often over many years as the person drinks more and more and then they cross the wire and which point they can no longer stop or control their drinking. So the beginning of alcoholism is very much like the beginning of any habit.

      That is just my theory. I know the experts would disagree with it strongly but all I can do is write what I think honestly based upon what I see and based upon life experience. Thanks for commenting by the way.


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I'd like to hear the experiences of both alcoholics and the victims of alcoholics, please.

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